In Afghanistan they're going door-to-door looking for Afghan believers.



This just came through from Will Burnham, a brother who serves among Afghan refugees.

I waited to post anything about the crisis in Afghanistan until I was able to get first hand accounts of the reality on the ground. After speaking with several brothers this morning I can confirm that Afghan followers of Jesus are being martyred in the streets. The Taliban are going door to door looking for Christians. If able, most are in hiding in villages outside of Kabul. Also women and girls are beginning to feel the oppression return from a radical form of Islam. All of this seems to be just the beginning of what is in the future for Afghanistan.

As our hearts are heavy and burdened, we must be reminded of a few things:

First, God is still good and in control! This event is just another in a long line of the effect of the Fall, when man chose their own path from the perfect and good path God designed. We have been promised in scripture that events like this will occur until Jesus returns.

Second, Jesus promised persecution for believers. It should be expected. This is difficult for us as Westerners to comprehend because for so long we have lived without any persecution for our faith. Those days are slowly changing for those in the West, but will likely never be to the scale we are seeing today for many believers in the East. I have had the privilege to serve alongside faithful Christians who have counted it joy to be persecuted! So, we must pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters that they will remain strong in their faith!

Third, God is always at work! As we have seen over the last decade, He has allowed mass movements of people globally as a result of the refugee crisis. Because of this, MANY have come to faith in Christ! This will happen again as a new wave of Afghans flee their country in search of hope in places like Europe. There, they are able to freely hear the good news and some will respond. So, what the enemy intends for evil, God will use for good.

If you want more information about how you can help personally please send me a private message. But for all, this is a moment to rally around our global brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer.

Also, if you have any Afghan friends, whether Muslim or Christian, they are probably hurting. Today would be a great day to send them a message to say you care and are praying for them.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” - Jesus, John 16:33

More from Will Burnham on movements among refugees.

Steve Addison

Steve multiplies disciples and churches. Everywhere.

5 Lessons from the Persecution that Followed the Death of Stephen


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