Will Latinos save America?

According to a LifeWay study:

First-generation immigrants are leading the Latino evangelical expansion in the US—drawing in more unchurched believers and new converts than the average church plant, despite having smaller congregations, less funding, and tensions surrounding US immigration policy.

What the Latinos lack in outside funding and facilities, they make up for by taking the gospel to their local community.

  • New Hispanic congregations were more than twice as likely to keep up evangelistic visits and door-to-door outreach beyond the initial launch of the ministry.

  • New Hispanic congregations were less likely, however, to engage in local politics or use “fun social events” to meet people in the community.


Here’s a fun statistic: 42% of the churches that sing songs with a Latin rhythm plant a church within five years. The number drops to just 15% if they don’t sing in a Latin style. Clearly God loves Latin music.

Read the whole thing

Learn more about reaching and mobilizing Latios …

Steve Addison

Steve multiplies disciples and churches. Everywhere.


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