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The Wall

The WallI've been at the Wall lately. Maybe for the last couple of months or years. Who knows.

The Wall is stage five of seven stages on the Critical Journey.

  1. Recognition of God: God humbles us
  2. Life of Discipleship: God grounds us
  3. Productive Life: God rewards and exalts us
  4. Journey Forward: God unsettles us
  5. The Wall: God unmasks us
  6. Journey Outward: God transforms us
  7. Life of Love: God transcends us

If you're in stages 1-3 you're not going to understand the Wall or even want to consider it as a future possibility. But for most leaders—Bobby Clinton says 95%—one day the Wall will become a reality. How you deal with it will determine how you finish as a leader.

I have a hunch I may have reached the turning point. Time will tell. I don't mind any more. Once you've met Jesus at the Wall you're not in as much a hurry to move on.

Need to know more? Here's a great article by Bobby Clinton on Paul's experience: Deep Processing. Rich Vincent has written a handy summary of the Critical Journey: Stages of Faith. Or you can buy the book.

“The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith” (Janet O. Hagberg, Robert A. Guelich)

Spiritual Formation