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Don’t be dismayed by what’s happening in Germany

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The collapse of the established churches—both Protestant and Catholic—in Germany is nothing new. It’s the pattern of history, including Biblical history. Movements rise and they fall depending on the degree to which they identify with the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus.

The established churches in Germany have suffered for generations from failure of success. They have had a recognised and influential place in society, they are generously funded by taxes collected by the state, they have a well educated and well paid clergy. They own billions of euros/dollars worth of land and properties.

Yet attendances are in free-fall. I haven’t seen the figures, but for certain the membership will be ageing and dying at increasing rates with not much hope of replacement.

A growing percentage of the faithful no longer believe such central truths as the resurrection. They have a gospel of this world that echoes the concerns of privileged cultural elites. Congregations tend to follow, not lead the clergy into unbelief. Why would anyone want to share what faith they have left with others?

The failure of success will result in the decline and decay of religious institutions. That’s what has happened in Germany. Religious institutions decay rather than die. They can survive for generations on external life support.

Meanwhile God is always at work on the fringes breathing life into his people who, like Jesus, are obedient to his Word, dependent on the Holy Spirit and faithful to the core missionary task of multiplying disciples and churches everywhere.