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10 fruitful habits of multiplying movements

Researcher, Jim Haney on the habits that result in fruitfulness in multiplying movements of disciples and churches.

  1. Ghanaian Proverb—“If there is anything between you and power, remove it.”  Fruitful practitioners deal with the things that prevent the Holy Spirit from empowering them. 

  2. Share the Gospel often, and invite people to receive Christ on the spot. 

  3. Gather those you share with into groups, whether they are believers or not.

  4. Plan for groups to become churches.

  5. Do not overly complicate witnessing, discipling, and forming new churches.  Jesus said, “Follow me; I will make you fishers of men.” 

  6. Train for what you want; follow up for what you expect. If you are a leader who sends people for training, guarantee that they have opportunity to use their training and report their results.  

  7. Speak so they understand.

  8. Scratch where they itch.

  9. Expect and plan for results.  If you abide, fruit will come.

  10. Live among those you want to reach.  How close?  As close as Jesus was to his disciples.

The flip side: Ten habits that stifle a movement.

Interview with Jim Haney.