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The hope of Europe

This just came in from Will Burnham in Athens:

Having coffee with Hadi this morning before we pick up some of his leaders for the day. He shared with me his story about going to a Greek monastery on the island:

He prayer-walked to the monastery to pray for the island. When he got there he saw the Priest and some nuns. He went in and shared the Gospel with them! The Priest asked him to keep sharing. One of the nuns was not happy about it and was rude he said. But the priest asked him to continue. They claimed to believe the same thing and Hadi asked them “then why don’t you go share the love of Jesus with these people?!” He then offered to pray for them. They are astonished he would offer that because he wasn’t a Priest. He then got to share about the Priesthood of the Believer!! Some women had come to see the Priest, overhead what Hadi was saying and followed him out to hear more. He shared with them that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with a loving God. 

Pray for Hadi to have more opportunities to share with Greeks as well as the refugees. Obvious it was “for such a time as this” God sent Hadi to the island.

The future of world missions is Afghan, Iranian, Syrian, Pakistani, Brazilian, Nigerian….

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