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Stepping out in Essex, UK

Joining the bearded Russell Godward on his 30 Days in the Harvest

I was down in Essex on Friday, sharing with people far from God. Looking for God-prepared people. We found them. An elderly gentleman who had just come from treatment at the hospital for depression. His wife explained they’d lost their daughter to MS just two months ago. We prayed for them and shared the 3Circles, a simple gospel presentation. He believed in the holy Catholic church. We talked about how he could know forgiveness and life with God through Jesus’ death and resurrection. This couple were total strangers to us. Yet after just fifteen minutes we were sharing heart to heart and praying together on the street.

Shortly after an African guy sitting in his car called out from across the road, “What are you guys selling?”

We went over and offered to pray from him. He got out out of the car and walked around the pavement to where we stood. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. He was a big guy. Then he told us he had been with his brother when had died the night before. Now he was going to visit family to tell them what had happened. We prayed with him and made arrangements to meet again.

I used to dread going out into the community and engaging people. Yet every time God would show up. I still feel apprehensive and God still shows up. My reluctance, God’s faithfulness. I go out afraid. I come back amazed. Every time.